La belle Hélène
Music: Jacques Offenbach Libretto: Meilhac & Haléevy English Adaptation: Andreas Hager Opera North, Summer 2017 Helene: Augusta Caso Paris: Peter Lake Menelaus: Christopher Nelson Oreste: Emily Geller Calchas: Eric Lindsey Agamemnon: Bradley Christensen |
Director: Andreas Hager
Conductor: Louis Burkot Choreography: Kurt Domoney Scenic Design: David Arsenault Lighting Design: John Bartenstein Costume Design: Jack Maisenbach Hair & Makeup: Stephen Lieboff 'Opera North’s imaginative production, brilliantly stage-directed by Andreas Hager, set the action in a 1920s resort hotel...'
- Times Argus 'Stage director Andreas Hager brilliantly and imaginatively took the action to the decadent 1920s, and employed both physical and visual comedy, but always making it subservient to the wit.' - Rutland Reader |